Howdy! I’m Andy. 🤠
I write books and short stories and make websites. My last book, Big Problems: A Former Fat Guy’s Look At Why We’re Getting Fatter and What You Can Do To Fix It, came out in 2020. 🏋️🏋️🏋️ Order it now!
In my day job, I run engineering at a startup. Prior to that, I worked at a lot of media companies and startups, such as Clockwise, Axios, NBC News, the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Boston Globe, and many more. My work was cited in the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News, which is nifty for a guy from small town Nebraska.
I’ve been a reporter, a software engineer and a graphics developer. Yeah, I know, it’s hard for me to explain what I do to my parents, too.
My fiction has appeared in Uncharted Magagzine and Rock and a Hard Place magazine. I’m also the winner of the Mystery Writers of America Midwest’s 2023 Hugh Holton Award. Currently, I’m working on a novel about terrible things happening in a rural town that’s not at all based on where I grew up, I swear.
This is what I look like. Yes, I know, the jacket makes me look very cool.